Page:Henry IV Part 2 (1921) Yale.djvu/100

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The Second Part of

first human principle I would teach them should
be, to forswear thin potations and to addict
themselves to sack. 136

Enter Bardolph.

How now, Bardolph?

Bard. The army is discharged all and gone.

Fal. Let them go. I'll through Gloucester-
shire; and there will I visit Master Robert 140
Shallow, esquire: I have him already tempering
between my finger and my thumb, and shortly
will I seal with him. Come away. Exeunt.

Scene Four

[Westminster. The Jerusalem Chamber]

Enter the King, Warwick, Thomas Duke of Clarence, Humphrey of Gloucester [and others].

King. Now, lords, if God doth give successful end
To this debate that bleedeth at our doors,
We will our youth lead on to higher fields
And draw no swords, but what are sanctified. 4
Our navy is address'd, our power collected,
Our substitutes in absence well invested,
And everything lies level to our wish:
Only, we want a little personal strength; 8
And pause us, till these rebels, now afoot,
Come underneath the yoke of government.

War. Both which we doubt not but your majesty
Shall soon enjoy.

King.Humphrey, my son of Gloucester, 12

141-143 tempering . . . seal: the allusion is to sealing-wax

Scene Four S. d. Jerusalem Chamber; cf. n.
5 address'd: prepared
6 invested: invested with authority