Page:Henry IV Part 2 (1921) Yale.djvu/113

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King Henry the Fourth, IV. v

May waste the memory of the former days.
More would I, but my lungs are wasted so
That strength of speech is utterly denied me. 216
How I came by the crown, O God, forgive!
And grant it may with thee in true peace live.

Prince. My gracious liege,
You won it, wore it, kept it, gave it me; 220
Then plain and right must my possession be:
Which I with more than with a common pain
'Gainst all the world will rightfully maintain.

Enter Lord John of Lancaster, and Warwick.

King. Look, look, here comes my John of Lancaster. 224

Lanc. Health, peace, and happiness to my royal father!

King. Thou bring'st me happiness and peace, son John;
But health, alack, with youthful wings is flown
From this bare wither'd trunk: upon thy sight 228
My worldly business makes a period.
Where is my Lord of Warwick?

Prince.My Lord of Warwick!

[Warwick comes forward.]

King. Doth any name particular belong
Unto the lodging where I first did swound? 232

War. 'Tis call'd Jerusalem, my noble lord.

King. Laud be to God! even there my life must end.
It hath been prophesied to me many years
I should not die but in Jerusalem, 236
Which vainly I suppos'd the Holy Land.
But bear me to that chamber; there I'll lie:
In that Jerusalem shall Harry die. Exeunt.

214 waste: consume