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King Henry the Fourth, I. i

L. Bard.Tell thou the earl
That the Lord Bardolph doth attend him here.

Port. His Lordship is walk'd forth into the orchard: 4
Please it your honour knock but at the gate,
And he himself will answer.

Enter Northumberland.

L. Bard.Here comes the earl.

North. What news, Lord Bardolph? every minute now
Should be the father of some stratagem. 8
The times are wild; contention, like a horse
Full of high feeding, madly hath broke loose
And bears down all before him.

L. Bard.Noble earl,
I bring you certain news from Shrewsbury. 12

North. Good, an God will!

L. Bard.As good as heart can wish.
The king is almost wounded to the death;
And, in the fortune of my lord your son,
Prince Harry slain outright; and both the Blunts 16
Kill'd by the hand of Douglas; young Prince John
And Westmoreland and Stafford fled the field;
And Harry Monmouth's brawn, the hulk Sir John,
Is prisoner to your son: O! such a day, 20
So fought, so follow'd, and so fairly won,
Came not till now to dignify the times
Since Cæsar's fortunes.

North.How is this deriv'd?
Saw you the field? came you from Shrewsbury? 24

L. Bard. I spake with one, my lord, that came from thence;

3 attend: await
4 orchard: garden
13 an: if
19 brawn: the fleshy part of the body, especially the buttocks or the calf of the leg
21 follow'd: carried through