Page:Henry IV Part 2 (1921) Yale.djvu/164

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The Second Part of

frequently omits the oaths found in the Quarto and expurgated in the Folio, but more frequently includes them. The present editor has not thought it wise to burden his pages with a long list of the minor changes he has made in the Oxford text. His policy has been to follow, in general, the more colloquial Quarto text.

In the following list of other variants the readings of the present edition precede the colon, Craig's readings follow it, and the Quarto or Folio authority is given wherever involved:

Ind. 35 hole QF: hold

I. i. 33 comes QF: come

ii. 5 moe Q: more F

44 through QF: thorough

132 it QF: its

II. i. 2 action QF: exion

6 Sirrah!—: Sirrah, QF

82 all I have Q: all, all I have F

184 my lord Q: my good lord F

ii. 21 another Q: one other F

66 an QF: a

75 those QF: these

82 Poins QF: Bard.

123 kin QF: akin

137 he sure Q: sure he F

iii. 63 his QF: its

iv. 42 a pox damn you Q : omit F

51 Yea, joy Q: Ay, marry F

91 debuty Q: deputy F

93 Wedesday Q: Wednesday F

142 but I will Q: I will (passage omitted in F)

171 faitors (faters Q): fates F

194 fortune Q: fortuna F

298 shalt have Q: thou shalt have F

428-9 Come! (She comes blubbered.) Yea, will you come, Doll? Q: omit F

III. ii. 210 field QF: fields

339 invisible: invincible QF

IV. ii. 14 mischiefs QF: mischief

v. 146 inward, true, and Q: true and inward F

V. iii. 141 Blessed Q: Happy F

142 to Q: unto F