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The Second Part of

take his bond and yours: he liked not the 36

Fal. Let him be damned like the glutton! Pray
God his tongue be hotter! A whoreson Achito-
! a rascally yea-forsooth knave! to bear a 40
gentleman in hand, and then stand upon security.
The whoreson smooth-pates do now wear noth-
ing but high shoes, and bunches of keys at their
girdles; and if a man is through with them in 44
honest taking up, then they must stand upon
security. I had as lief they would put ratsbane
in my mouth as offer to stop it with security. I
looked a' should have sent me two and twenty 48
yards of satin, as I am a true knight, and he
sends me security. Well, he may sleep in secur-
ity; for he hath the horn of abundance, and the
lightness of his wife shines through it: and yet 52
cannot he see, though he have his own lanthorn
to light him. Where's Bardolph?

Page. He's gone into Smithfield to buy your
worship a horse. 56

Fal. I bought him in Paul's, and he'll buy
me a horse in Smithfield: an I could get me
but a wife in the stews, I were manned, horsed,
and wived. 60

Enter Chief Justice and Servant.

Page. Sir, here comes the nobleman that
committed the prince for striking him about

Fal. Wait close; I will not see him. 64

38 glutton; cf. n.
39 Achitophel; cf. n.
40 yea-forsooth knave; cf. n.
bear . . . in hand: delude with false hopes
42 smooth-pates: roundheads, or Puritanical citizen class
44 through: serious
45 taking up: obtaining goods on trust
48 a': he
51-54 Cf. n.
57 Paul's; cf. n.
61, 62 Cf. n.