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The Second Part of

nobles: i' faith, I am loath to pawn my plate,
so God save me, la! 172

Fal. Let it alone; I'll make other shift:
you'll be a fool still.

Host. Well, you shall have it, though I pawn
my gown. I hope you'll come to supper. You'll 176
pay me all together?

Fal. Will I live? [To Bardolph.] Go, with
her, with her; hook on, hook on.

Host. Will you have Doll Tearsheet meet 180
you at supper?

Fal. No more words; let's have her.

Exeunt Hostess, [Bardolph, Page,] and Sergeant[s].

Ch. Just. I have heard better news.

Fal. What's the news, my lord? 184

Ch. Just. Where lay the king last night?

Gow. At Basingstoke, my lord.

Fal. I hope, my lord, all's well: what is the
news, my lord? 188

Ch. Just. Come all his forces back?

Gow. No; fifteen hundred foot, five hundred horse,
Are march'd up to my Lord of Lancaster,
Against Northumberland and the archbishop. 192

Fal. Comes the king back from Wales, my noble lord?

Ch. Just. You shall have letters of me presently.
Come, go along with me, good Master Gower.

Fal. My lord! 196

Ch. Just. What's the matter?

Fal. Master Gower, shall I entreat you with
me to dinner?

171 nobles: gold coins worth about six shillings
194 presently: immediately