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The Second Part of

thee, and I leave thee. Be not too familiar with 140
Poins; for he misuses thy favours so much that
he swears thou art to marry his sister Nell. Re-
pent at idle times as thou mayest, and so farewell.

'Thine, by yea and no,—which is as 144
much as to say, as thou usest him,
Jack Falstaff, with my familiars;
John, with my brothers and sisters,
and Sir John with all Europe.'148

Poins. My lord, I'll steep this letter in sack
and make him eat it.

Prince. That's to make him eat twenty of
his words. But do you use me thus, Ned? must 152
I marry your sister?

Poins. God send the wench no worse for-
tune!—but I never said so.

Prince. Well, thus we play the fools with the
time, and the spirits of the wise sit in the clouds 156
and mock us. Is your master here in London?

Bard. Yea, my lord.

Prince. Where sups he? doth the old boar
feed in the old frank? 160

Bard. At the old place, my lord, in East-

Prince. What company?

Page. Ephesians, my lord, of the old church. 164

Prince. Sup any women with him?

Page. None, my lord, but old Mistress Quickly
and Mistress Doll Tearsheet.

Prince. What pagan may that be? 168

Page. A proper gentlewoman, sir, and a kins-
woman of my master's.

Prince. Even such kin as the parish heifers

160 frank: sty
164 Ephesians: slang term for jolly fellows