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The Second Part of

dolph; I could tear her. I'll be revenged of

Page. Pray thee, go down.

Pist. I'll see her damned first; to Pluto's 168
damned lake, by this hand, to the infernal deep,
with Erebus and tortures vile also. Hold hook
and line, say I. Down, down, dogs! down fai-
. Have we not Hiren here? 172

Host. Good Captain Peesel, be quiet; 'tis
very late, i' faith. I beseek you now, aggravate
your choler.

Pist. These be good humours, indeed! Shall pack-horses, 176
And hollow pamper'd jades of Asia,
Which cannot go but thirty mile a day,
Compare with Cæsars, and with Cannibals,
And Trojan Greeks? nay, rather damn them with 180
King Cerberus; and let the welkin roar.
Shall we fall foul for toys?

Host. By my troth, captain, these are very
bitter words. 184

Bard. Be gone, good ancient: this will grow
to a brawl anon.

Pist. Die men like dogs! give crowns like
pins! Have we not Hiren here? 188

Host. O' my word, captain, there's none
such here. What the good-year! do you think
I would deny her? for God's sake! be quiet.

Pist. Then feed, and be fat, my fair Calipolis. 192
Come, give's some sack.
Si fortune me tormente, sperato me contento.
Fear we broadsides? no, let the fiend give fire:

171 faitors: imposters
172 Hiren; cf. n.
177, 178 Cf. n.
179 Cannibals: blunder for 'Hannibals'
182 toys: trifles
192 Cf. n.
194 Cf. n.