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King Henry the Fourth, II. iv

Fal. Ha! a bastard son of the king's? And
art not thou Poins his brother?

Prince. Why, thou globe of sinful continents,
what a life dost thou lead! 312

Fal. A better than thou: I am a gentleman;
thou art a drawer.

Prince. Very true, sir; and I come to draw
you out by the ears. 316

Host. O! the Lord preserve thy good Grace;
by my troth, welcome to London. Now, the
Lord bless that sweet face of thine! O Jesu!
are you come from Wales? 320

Fal. Thou whoreson mad compound of
majesty, by this light flesh and corrupt blood
[pointing to Doll], thou art welcome.

Dol. How, you fat fool! I scorn you. 324

Poins. My lord, he will drive you out of your
revenge and turn all to a merriment, if you take
not the heat

Prince. You whoreson candle-mine, you, how 328
vilely did you speak of me even now before this
honest, virtuous, civil gentlewoman!

Host. God's blessing of your good heart! and
so she is, by my troth. 332

Fal. Didst thou hear me?

Prince. Yea; and you knew me, as you did
when you ran away by Gadshill: you knew I
was at your back, and spoke it on purpose to try 336
my patience.

Fal. No, no, no; not so; I did not think thou
wast within hearing.

Prince. I shall drive you then to confess the 340

326, 327 take . . . the heat: strike while the iron's hot
328 candle-mine: mine of tallow