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The Second Part of

been sworn brother to him; and I'll be sworn a' 348
never saw him but once in the Tilt-yard, and
then he burst his head for crowding among the
marshal's men. I saw it and told John a Gaunt
he beat his own name; for you might have thrust 352
him and all his apparel into an eel-skin; the
case of a treble hautboy was a mansion for him,
a court; and now has he land and beefs. Well,
I'll be acquainted with him, if I return; and 356
it shall go hard but I'll make him a philoso-
pher's two stones
to me. If the young dace be a
bait for the old pike, I see no reason in the law
of nature but I may snap at him. Let time 360
shape, and there an end. Exit.


Scene One

Enter the Archbishop, Mowbray, [Lord] Bardolph, Hastings, within the Forest of Gaultree.

Arch. What is this forest call'd?

Hast. 'Tis Gaultree Forest, an 't shall please your Grace.

Arch. Here stand, my lords, and send discoverers forth,
To know the numbers of our enemies. 4

Hast. We have sent forth already.

Arch.'Tis well done.
My friends and brethren in these great affairs,
I must acquaint you that I have receiv'd
New-dated letters from Northumberland; 8

354 hautboy: slender reed instrument, oboe
357 philosopher's two stones; cf. n.