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The Second Part of

Say you not then our offer is compell'd.

Mowb. Well, by my will we shall admit no parley.

West. That argues but the shame of your offence: 160
A rotten case abides no handling.

Hast. Hath the Prince John a full commission,
In very ample virtue of his father,
To hear and absolutely to determine 164
Of what conditions we shall stand upon?

West. That is intended in the general's name.
I muse you make so slight a question.

Arch. Then take, my Lord of Westmoreland, this schedule, 168
For this contains our general grievances:
Each several article herein redress'd;
All members of our cause, both here and hence,
That are insinew'd to this action, 172
Acquitted by a true substantial form;
And present execution of our wills
To us and to our purposes consign'd;
We come within our awfull banks again 176
And knit our powers to the arm of peace.

West. This will I show the general. Please you, lords,
In sight of both our battles we may meet;
And either end in peace, which God so frame! 180
Or to the place of difference call the swords
Which must decide it.

Arch.My lord, we will do so.

Exit Westmoreland.

Mowb. There is a thing within my bosom tells me
That no conditions of our peace can stand. 184

163 In . . . virtue: by complete authority
166 intended: implied
167 muse: wonder
slight: trivial
172 insinew'd: joined as by sinews
175 consign'd; cf. n.
176 awful: respectful, reverential