Page:Henry Northcote (IA henrynorthcote00snairich).pdf/228

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that whether your friend had had drink or whether she had not, her character was so soft and gentle that you could not conceive her to be capable of hurting anybody?"

"Yes, sir."

"She has been your friend for ten years?"

"Yes, sir."

"Throughout that period you have found her to be generous, kind, impulsive, lovable?"

"Yes, sir."

"No one's enemy save her own?"

"Yes, sir."

"Had it ever seemed possible to you that if she was capable of the commission of this atrocious crime of which she stands accused, she could never have enjoyed the ten years of your friendship, nor the ten years of affection you lavished on her?"

"Yes, sir."

"It was no wish of your own that brought you to this court?"

"Yes, sir."

"Indeed, you cannot say you came here of your own free will?"

"Yes, sir."

"You were brought here under compulsion?"

"Yes, sir."

"Without that compulsion nothing would have induced you to come here, and stand in this box, and speak words which might be used to hurt your friend?"

"Yes, sir."

The witness had been weeping softly for some time. Her emotion, which in the circumstances was natural, was also felt to be a tribute to the exam-