Page:Henry Northcote (IA henrynorthcote00snairich).pdf/60

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"Every comprehensive mind is partly feminine."

"No mind can be in any sense feminine. It is a contradiction in terms."

"Well, well! From what data have you derived the courage to entrust an untried man with the defence in a trial for murder?"

"To be perfectly frank, it was Tobin who found the courage for me."


"No less."

"Why, Tobin doesn't know me from Adam."

"Not so fast, my friend; don't come to conclusions so abruptly. Tobin has his eyes about him."

"Well, yes, that is an attribute that is common to all who become first-rate in anything."

"Let me tell you exactly what occurred. I was on the point of leaving Chancery Lane about six, and beginning to think about my dinner, when I received poor Tobin's telegram to say he was tucked up in hospital with a broken thigh, and would I come to him at once. Of course I went; and there the poor fellow was in a devilish uncomfortable attitude, as white as the sheets, face drawn with pain, but himself as cool as ice.

"'We shall have to apply for a postponement,' were his first words.

"'In any case, old boy,' said I, 'I shall relieve you of further responsibility.'

"'Not much!' said he. 'Get a postponement until next sessions; I am going to save the poor beggar's neck.'

"'Why, old boy,' I said, fixing him up with a cigarette, 'you will be lying here in your little bed until next sessions.'