Page:Henry Osborn Taylor, A Treatise on the Law of Private Corporations (5th ed, 1905).djvu/986

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i+66 INDEX. References are to the Sections. TAXATION OF CORPORATIONS— (continued). by Congress, 478. situs of corporate bonds for taxation, 479. by state legislatures, 479. of foreign corporations, 400, note, 479, 480. restrictions on, in the Federal constitution, 480, 481. of Federal agencies, 482. of corporations " doing business" in the state, 479, note. of national banks, 483, 484. of railroad companies, 479, 485. of telegraph companies, 486. exemptions from, 487-491. restrictions on, 4696. restriction through power of Congress to regulate commerce, 485. jurisdiction of equity to restrain, 484, note, 4926. what are " profits," " net earnings, " etc., 565. TELEGRAPH COMPANIES : liable for damages for erecting lines along highway, 175, note. liability of, 357. penalties imposed on, 393, note, taxation of, 486. TELLER : powers of, 193, note, 246, note, certification of checks by, 244. TERMINAL FACILITIES, railroad company may take land for, 163. TICKET-AGENTS, powers of, 201. TICKETS : railroad regulations regarding, 348. effect of provisions contained in, 358, 359. TIME, lapse of, when no ratification, 217. See Ratification. TORTS OF CORPORATE AGENTS AND SERVANTS : liability of corporation, 335. doctrines of ultra vires, how applicable, 336-338. when tort causes breach of no special corporate obligation, 339, 367-372. summary of rules respecting liability for, 341. within scope of agent's authority, 342. fraud, 342. within scope of tort feasor's employment, 343, 344. deceit, 342. corporation liable for assaults and batteries, 343. for trespasses, 343. action for trover lies against corporation, 342. action for libel lies against corporation, 342. and action for false imprisonment, 342. that act of servant was wilful does not relieve corporation, 344. when tort causes breach of duty owed by corporation, 345. injuries to employes, 365, 366.