Page:Henry Stephens Salt - A Plea for Vegetarianism and Other Essays.pdf/61

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him ; at present the only alternative title seems to be the word “Akreophagist,” which is hardly likely to take permanent root in the English language.

But this attack on Vegetarians, for the use of a title which they have long been vainly trying to get rid of, is surely made by Sir Henry Thompson rather as a diversion than as a serious part of his article. It is thrown out as a sop to Cerberus, who, in the form of the medical profession, might otherwise be grievously chagrined at this unexpected corroboration of the ignorant and unprofessional assertions of Food Reformers. When medical men have been telling their patients, with more and more persistence, that it is impossible to live healthily without using flesh-food, it is, of course, very annoying and irritating to find the most eminent of English surgeons admitting precisely the contrary. To cover their retreat, and mitigate their possible resentment, Sir Henry Thompson mercifully determined to make this timely diversion by abusing the Vegetarians roundly, while thoroughly endorsing the essence of their teaching. Our medical friends are welcome to whatever cold comfort they can derive from Sir