Page:Henry VI Part 1 (1918) Yale.djvu/167

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King Henry the Sixth

I. vi. 22 of: or (F)

II. ii. 54 'tis: it is

II. iv. 6 th' error: the error

II. v. 71 Richard: King Richard

III. i. 25, 114 sovereign: sov'reign

198 lose: should lose

III. ii.28 Talbonites: Talbotites

III. iii. 76 wandering: wand'ring

IV. i. 138 wavering: wav'ring

IV. ii. 6 sovereign: sov'reign

IV. iii. 28 makes: make

IV. vii. 25 whether: whe'r

65 Verdon: Verdun

V. iii. 68 here: here thy prisoner

153 country: county

V. v. 39 lord: good lord

46 liberal: a liberal


Suggestions for Collateral Reading

George Lockhart Rives: An Essay on the First, Second, and Third Parts of Henry the Sixth; Commonly attributed to Shakespeare. 1874. (Harness Prize Essay. Largely based on Grant White's earlier monograph on the same subject.)

F. G. Fleay: Who Wrote 'Henry VI'? Macmillan's Magazine, November, 1875.

Life and Work of Shakspere, 1886, 255–263.

W. H. Egerton: Talbot's Tomb in the Parish Church of St. Alkmund's, Whitchurch. In Transactions of the Shropshire Archæological and Natural History Society, viii. 413–440, 1885. (An interesting article dealing with the exhumation of Talbot's bones and the evidence derived from them concerning the manner of his death.)

W. G. Boswell-Stone: Shakspere's Holinshed, ix. 205–242, 1896.