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King Henry the Sixth, I. i

Ten thousand soldiers with me I will take,
Whose bloody deeds shall make all Europe quake. 156

Third Mess. So you had need; for Orleans is besieg'd;
The English army is grown weak and faint;
The Earl of Salisbury craveth supply,
And hardly keeps his men from mutiny, 160
Since they, so few, watch such a multitude.

Exe. Remember, lords, your oaths to Henry sworn,
Either to quell the Dauphin utterly,
Or bring him in obedience to your yoke. 164

Bed. I do remember it; and here take my leave,
To go about my preparation. Exit Bedford.

Glo. I'll to the Tower with all the haste I can,
To view the artillery and munition; 168
And then I will proclaim young Henry king. Exit Gloucester.

Exe. To Eltham will I, where the young king is,
Being ordain'd his special governor;
And for his safety there I'll best devise. Exit.

Win. Each hath his place and function to attend: 173
I am left out; for me nothing remains.
But long I will not be Jack-out-of-office.
The king from Eltham I intend to steal, 176
And sit at chiefest stern of public weal. Exit.

162 your oaths; cf. n.
163 quell: destroy
170 Eltham; cf. n.
177 at chiefest stern: in supreme control