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King Henry the Sixth, I. iii

Wood. [Within.] Have patience, noble Duke; I may not open;
The Cardinal of Winchester forbids:
From him I have express commandment 20
That thou nor none of thine shall be let in.

Glo. Faint-hearted Woodvile, prizest him 'fore me?
Arrogant Winchester, that haughty prelate,
Whom Henry, our late sovereign, ne'er could brook? 24
Thou art no friend to God or to the king:
Open the gates, or I'll shut thee out shortly.

First Serv. Open the gates unto the Lord Protector;
Or we'll burst them open, if that you come not quickly. 28

Enter to the Protector at the Tower gates Winchester and his men in tawny coats.

Win. How now, ambitious Humphrey! what means this?

Glo. Peel'd priest, dost thou command me to be shut out?

Win. I do, thou most usurping proditor,
And not protector, of the king or realm. 32

Glo. Stand back, thou manifest conspirator,
Thou that contriv'dst to murder our dead lord;
Thou that giv'st whores indulgences to sin:
I'll canvass thee in thy broad cardinal's hat, 36
If thou proceed in this thy insolence.

Win. Nay, stand thou back; I will not budge a foot:

19 Cardinal; cf. n.
22 Woodvile; cf. n.
30 Peel'd: tonsured
31 proditor: betrayer
34 contriv'dst: plottedst; cf. n.
35 Cf. n.
36 canvass: toss, as in a canvas sheet