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The First Part of

Win. Rome shall remedy this.

War.Roam thither then.

Som. My lord, it were your duty to forbear. 52

War. Ay, see the bishop be not overborne.

Som. Methinks my lord should be religious,
And know the office that belongs to such.

War. Methinks his lordship should be humbler; 56
It fitteth not a prelate so to plead.

Som. Yes, when his holy state is touch'd so near.

War. State holy, or unhallow'd, what of that?
Is not his Grace protector to the king? 60

Plan. [Aside.] Plantagenet, I see, must hold his tongue,
Lest it be said, 'Speak, sirrah, when you should;
Must your bold verdict enter talk with lords?'
Else would I have a fling at Winchester. 64

King. Uncles of Gloucester and of Winchester,
The special watchmen of our English weal,
I would prevail, if prayers might prevail,
To join your hearts in love and amity. 68
O! what a scandal is it to our crown,
That two such noble peers as ye should jar.
Believe me, lords, my tender years can tell
Civil dissension is a viperous worm, 72
That gnaws the bowels of the commonwealth.

A noise within; 'Down with the tawny-coats!'

King. What tumult's this?

War. An uproar, I dare warrant,
Begun through malice of the bishop's men.

A noise again; 'Stones! Stones!'

Enter Mayor [of London].

May. O, my good lords, and virtuous Henry, 76

51 Cf. n.
63 enter talk; cf. n.