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King Henry the Sixth, III. iii

Now where's the Bastard's braves, and Charles his gleeks?
What! all amort? Roan hangs her head for grief, 124
That such a valiant company are fled.
Now will we take some order in the town,
Placing therein some expert officers,
And then depart to Paris to the king; 128
For there young Henry with his nobles lie.

Bur. What wills Lord Talbot pleaseth Burgundy.

Tal. But yet, before we go, let's not forget
The noble Duke of Bedford late deceas'd, 132
But see his exequies fulfill'd in Roan:
A braver soldier never couched lance,
A gentler heart did never sway in court;
But kings and mightiest potentates must die, 136
For that's the end of human misery. Exeunt.

Scene Three

[Between Rouen and Paris]

Enter Charles, Bastard, Alengon, Pucelle [and Forces].

Joan. Dismay not, princes, at this accident,
Nor grieve that Roan is so recovered:
Care is no cure, but rather corrosive,
For things that are not to be remedied. 4
Let frantic Talbot triumph for a while,
And like a peacock sweep along his tail;
We'll pull his plumes and take away his train,

123 braves: bravado
gleeks: gibes
124 all amort: 'à la mort,' sick to death, prostrated
126 some order: certain measures
133 exequies: obsequies

1 Dismay: lose courage
3 corrosive: caustic, painful