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King Henry the Sixth, V. iii

And keep not back your powers in dalliance.

Joan. Peace be amongst them if they turn to us;
Else, ruin combat with their palaces!

Enter Scout.

Scout. Success unto our valiant general, 8
And happiness to his accomplices!

Char. What tidings send our scouts? I prithee speak.

Scout. The English army, that divided was
Into two parties, is now conjoin'd in one, 12
And means to give you battle presently.

Char. Somewhat too sudden, sirs, the warning is:
But we will presently provide for them.

Bur. I trust the ghost of Talbot is not there: 16
Now he is gone, my lord, you need not fear.

Joan. Of all base passions, fear is most accurs'd.
Command the conquest, Charles, it shall be thine;
Let Henry fret and all the world repine. 20

Char. Then on, my lords; and France be fortunate!

Exeunt. Alarum. Excursions.

Scene Three

[The Same]

Enter Joan la Pucelle.

Joan. The regent conquers and the Frenchmen fly.
Now help, ye charming spells and periapts;
And ye choice spirits that admonish me
And give me signs of future accidents: Thunder.
You speedy helpers, that are substitutes 5

9 accomplices: comrades

1 The regent conquers; cf. n.
2 periapts: amulets
4 accidents: events
5 substitutes: agents