Page:Henry VI Part 2 (1923) Yale.djvu/121

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King Henry the Sixth, V. i

Whose smile and frown, like to Achilles' spear, 100
Is able with the change to kill and cure.
Here is a hand to hold a sceptre up,
And with the same to act controlling laws.
Give place: by heaven, thou shalt rule no more 104
O'er him whom heaven created for thy ruler.

Som. O monstrous traitor! I arrest thee, York,
Of capital treason 'gainst the king and crown.
Obey, audacious traitor; kneel for grace. 108

York. Wouldst have me kneel? first let me ask of these
If they can brook I bow a knee to man.
Sirrah, call in my sons to be my bail:

[Exit an Attendant.]

I know ere they will have me go to ward, 112
They'll pawn their swords of my enfranchisement.

Queen. Call hither Clifford; bid him come amain,
To say if that the bastard boys of York
Shall be the surety for their traitor father. 116

[Exit Buckingham.]

York. O blood-bespotted Neapolitan,
Outcast of Naples, England's bloody scourge!
The sons of York, thy betters in their birth,
Shall be their father's bail; and bane to those 120
That for my surety will refuse the boys!

Enter Edward and Richard.

See where they come: I’ll warrant they'll make it good.

Enter Clifford [and his son].

Queen. And here comes Clifford, to deny their bail.

100 Achilles' spear; cf. n.
103 act: put into effect
109 these: his followers
112 ward: custody
113 of: in behalf of
enfranchisement: freedom
114 amain: with speed
117 Neapolitan; cf. n.