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King Henry the Sixth, I. i

Marquess of Suffolk, ambassador for Henry
King of England, that the said Henry shall
espouse the Lady Margaret, daughter unto
Reignier King of Naples, Sicilia, and Jeru- 48
salem, and crown her Queen of England ere the
thirtieth of May next ensuing.

'Item, That the duchy of Anjou and the county
of Maine shall be released and delivered to the 52
king her father—' [Lets the paper fall.]

King. Uncle, how now!

Glo.Pardon me, gracious lord;
Some sudden qualm hath struck me at the heart
And dimm'd mine eyes, that I can read no further. 56

King. Uncle of Winchester, I pray, read on.

Win. 'Item, It is further agreed between
them, that the duchies of Anjou and Maine
shall be released and delivered over to the king 60
her father; and she sent over of the King of
England's own proper cost and charges, with
out having any dowry.'

King. They please us well. Lord Marquess, kneel down: 64
We here create thee the first Duke of Suffolk,
And girt thee with the sword. Cousin of York,
We here discharge your Grace from being regent
I' the parts of France, till term of eighteen months 68
Be full expir'd. Thanks, uncle Winchester,
Gloucester, York, Buckingham, Somerset,
Salisbury, and Warwick;
We thank you all for this great favour done, 72
In entertainment to my princely queen.

51 Item: likewise
57 Uncle of Winchester: Beaufort was the king's half-great-uncle
58-63 Cf. n.
62 proper: personal
65 Cf. n.
66 girt: gird
68, 69 till . . . expir'd; cf. n.
73 entertainment: service