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The Second Part of

Boling. What shall befall the Duke of Somerset?

Spir. Let him shun castles:
Safer shall he be upon the sandy plains
Than where castles mounted stand. 40
Have done, for more I hardly can endure.

Boling. Descend to darkness and the burning lake!
False fiend, avoid!

Thunder and lightning. Exit Spirit.

Enter the Duke of York and the Duke of Buckingham with their Guard, and break in.

York. Lay hands upon these traitors and their trash. 44
Beldam, I think we watch'd you at an inch.
What, madam! are you there? the king and commonweal
Are deeply indebted for this piece of pains:
My Lord Protector will, I doubt it not, 48
See you well guerdon'd for these good deserts.

Elea. Not half so bad as thine to England's king,
Injurious duke, that threatest where's no cause. 51

Buck. True, madam, none at all. What call you this? [Showing her the papers.]
Away with them! let them be clapp'd up close
And kept asunder. You, madam, shall with us:
Stafford, take her to thee.—
We'll see your trinkets here all forthcoming. 56
All, away! Exit [Guard, with Duchess, etc.].

York. Lord Buckingham, methinks you watch'd her well:
A pretty plot, well chosen to build upon!
Now, pray, my lord, let's see the devil's writ. 60

45 Beldam: hag
watch'd: caught in the act
at an inch: precisely
51 Injurious: insulting
53 clapp'd up close: closely imprisoned
59 Cf. n.