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King Henry the Sixth, III. ii

Scene Two

[Bury St. Edmunds. A Room in the Palace]

Enter two or three [murderers] running over the stage, from the murther of Duke Humphrey.

1. Mur. Run to my Lord of Suffolk; let him know
We have dispatch'd the duke, as he commanded.

2. Mur. O! that it were to do. What have we done?
Didst ever hear a man so penitent? 4

Enter Suffolk.

1. Mur. Here comes my lord.

Suf. Now, sirs, have you dispatch'd this thing?

1. Mur. Ay, my good lord, he's dead.

Suf. Why, that's well said. Go, get you to my house; 8
I will reward you for this venturous deed.
The king and all the peers are here at hand.
Have you laid fair the bed? is all things well,
According as I gave directions? 12

1. Mur. 'Tis, my good lord.

Suf. Away! be gone. Exeunt [Murderers].

Sound trumpets. Enter the King, the Queen, Cardinal, Somerset, with Attendants.

King. Go, call our uncle to our presence straight;
Say, we intend to try his Grace to-day, 16
If he be guilty, as 'tis published.

Suf. I'll call him presently, my noble lord. Exit.

King. Lords, take your places; and, I pray you all,
Proceed no straiter 'gainst our uncle Gloucester 20

3 to do: i.e. still undone
14 S. d.; cf. n.
17 If: to determine whether
published: publicly asserted
18 presently: at once
20 straiter: more rigorously