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King Henry the Sixth, III. iii

To have thee with thy lips to stop my mouth: 896
So shouldst thou either turn my flying soul,
Or I should breathe it so into thy body,
And then it liv'd in sweet Elysium.
To die by thee were but to die in jest; 400
From thee to die were torture more than death.
O! let me stay, befall what may befall!

Queen. Away! though parting be a fretful corrosive,
It is applied to a deathful wound. 404
To France, sweet Suffolk: let me hear from thee;
For wheresoe'er thou art in this world's globe,
I'll have an Iris that shall find thee out.

Suf. I go.

Queen.And take my heart with thee. 408

Suf. A jewel, lock'd into the woefull'st cask
That ever did contain a thing of worth.
Even as a splitted bark, so sunder we:
This way fall I to death.

Queen.This way for me. 412

Exeunt [at different doors].

Scene Three

[London. Cardinal Beaufort's Bedchamber]

Enter the King, Salisbury, and Warwick to the Cardinal in bed.

King. How fares my lord? speak, Beaufort, to thy sovereign.

Car. If thou be'st death, I'll give thee England's treasure,

403 corrosive: painful remedy
407 Iris: Juno's messenger
409 into: within
cask: casket