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King Henry the Sixth, IV. i


Scene One

[Kent. The Seashore near Dover]

Alarum. Fight at Sea. Ordnance goes off. Enter Lieutenant, Suffolk, and others [including Master, Master's Mate, Walter Whitmore, and various prisoners].

Lieu. The gaudy, blabbing, and remorseful day
Is crept into the bosom of the sea,
And now loud-howling wolves arouse the jades
That drag the tragic melancholy night; 4
Who with their drowsy, slow, and flagging wings
Clip dead men's graves, and from their misty jaws
Breathe foul contagious darkness in the air.
Therefore bring forth the soldiers of our prize, 8
For, whilst our pinnace anchors in the Downs,
Here shall they make their ransom on the sand,
Or with their blood stain this discolour'd shore.
Master, this prisoner freely give I thee: 12
And thou that art his mate make boot of this;
The other [Pointing to Suffolk], Walter Whitmore, is thy share.

1. Gent. What is my ransom, master? let me know.

Mast. A thousand crowns, or else lay down your head. 16

Mate. And so much shall you give, or off goes yours.

Lieu. What! think you much to pay two thousand crowns,

1-7 Cf. n.
6 Clip: embrace
9 pinnace: one-masted vessel
Downs; cf. n.
11 discolour'd; cf. n.
13 make . . . this: take your profit from the ransom of this one