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The Third Part of

West. Farewell, faint-hearted and degenerate king,
In whose cold blood no spark of honour bides. 184

North. Be thou a prey unto the house of York,
And die in bands for this unmanly deed!

Clif. In dreadful war mayst thou be overcome,
Or live in peace abandon'd and despis'd! 188

[Exeunt Northumberland, Clifford, and Westmoreland.]

War. Turn this way, Henry, and regard them not.

Exe. They seek revenge and therefore will not yield.

Henry. Ah! Exeter.

War.Why should you sigh, my lord?

Henry. Not for myself, Lord Warwick, but my son, 192
Whom I unnaturally shall disinherit.
But be it as it may; I here entail
The crown to thee and to thine heirs for ever;
Conditionally, that here thou take an oath 196
To cease this civil war, and, whilst I live,
To honour me as thy king and sovereign;
And neither by treason nor hostility
To seek to put me down and reign thyself. 200

York. This oath I willingly take and will perform.

[Coming from the throne.]

War. Long live King Henry! Plantagenet, embrace him.

Henry. And long live thou and these thy forward sons!

York. Now York and Lancaster are reconcil'd. 204

Exe. Accurs'd be he that seeks to make them foes!

Sennet. Here they come down.

York. Farewell, my gracious lord; I'll to my castle.

186 bands: bonds
205 S. d. Sennet: bugle notes to signal the moving of a procession
206 castle: Sandal Castle, near Wakefield (Yorkshire)