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The Third Part of

It boots not to resist both wind and tide.

Exeunt [Edward and Somerset, with Guard].

Oxf. What now remains, my lords, for us to do,
But march to London with our soldiers? 60

War. Ay, that's the first thing that we have to do;
To free King Henry from imprisonment,
And see him seated in the regal throne. Exeunt.

Scene Four

[London. A Room in the Palace]

Enter Rivers and Lady Grey [Queen Elizabeth].

Riv. Madam, what makes you in this sudden change?

L. Grey. Why, brother Rivers, are you yet to learn,
What late misfortune is befall'n King Edward?

Riv. What! loss of some pitch'd battle against Warwick? 4

L. Grey. No, but the loss of his own royal person.

Riv. Then is my sovereign slain?

L. Grey. Ay, almost slain, for he is taken prisoner;
Either betray'd by falsehood of his guard 8
Or by his foe surpris'd at unawares:
And, as I further have to understand,
Is new committed to the Bishop of York,
Fell Warwick's brother, and by that our foe. 12

Riv. These news, I must confess, are full of grief;
Yet, gracious madam, bear it as you may:
Warwick may lose, that now hath won the day.

L. Grey. Till then fair hope must hinder life's decay. 16
And I the rather wean me from despair
For love of Edward's offspring in my womb:

Scene Four; cf. n.
2 brother Rivers; cf. n.