Page:Henryk Sienkiewicz - Potop - The Deluge (1898 translation by Jeremiah Curtin) - Vol 1.djvu/379

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that you have heard from me how I desire the crown, — it is too early for that yet, — but say, 'All the nobles in Lauda and Lithuania talk of crowning Radzivill, and rejoice over it; the Swedes themselves mention it, I have heard it near the person of the king.' You will observe who of his courtiers is the marshal's confidant, and suggest to that courtier the following thought: 'Let Lyubomirski join the Swedes and ask in return the marriage of Heraclius and Radzivill's daughter, then let him support Radzivill as Grand Prince. Heraclius will be Radzivill's heir.' That is not enough; suggest also that once Heraclius has the Lithuanian crown he will be elected in time to the throne of Poland, and so the two crowns may be united again in these two families. If they do not grasp at this idea with both hands, they will show themselves petty people. Whoso does not aim high and fears great plans, should be content with a little baton, with a small castellanship; let him serve, bend his neck, gain favor through chamber attendants, for he deserves nothing better! God has created me for something else, and therefore I dare to stretch my hands to everything which it is in the power of man to reach, and to go to those limits which God alone has placed to human effort."

Here the prince stretched his hands, as if wishing to seize some unseen crown, and gleamed up altogether, like a torch; from emotion the breath failed in his throat again.

After a while he calmed himself and said with a broken voice, —

"Behold — where my soul flies — as if to the sun — Disease utters its warning — let it work its will — I would rather death found me on the throne — than in the ante- chamber of a king."

"Shall the physician be called?" asked Kmita.

Radzivill waved his hand.

"No need of him — I feel better now — That is all I had to say — In addition keep your eyes open, your ears open — See also what the Pototskis will do. They hold together, are true to the Vazas (that is, to Yan Kazimir) — and they are powerful — It is not known either how the Konyetspolskis and Sobyeskis will turn — Observe and learn — Now the suffocation is gone. Have you understood everything clearly?"

"Yes. If I err, it will be my own fault."