Page:Henryk Sienkiewicz - Potop - The Deluge (1898 translation by Jeremiah Curtin) - Vol 1.djvu/403

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save yourself a journey, — though it may be too bad that you will not visit Podlyasye, for among the heads of the confederacy there is a namesake of yours whom you might secure."

"I have no time for that," said Kmita, "since I am in a hurry to go to the king and Pan Lyubomirski."

"Ah, you have a letter to the marshal of the kingdom? Well, I can divine the reason of it. Once the marshal thought of marrying his son to Yanush's daughter. Did not the hetman wish this time to renew negotiations delicately?"

"That is just the mission."

"Both are quite children. H'm ! that's a delicate mission, for it does not become the hetman to speak first. Besides —"

Here the prince frowned.

"Nothing will come of it. The daughter of the hetman is not for Heraclius, I tell you that! The prince hetman must understand that his fortune is to remain in possession of the Radzivills."

Kmita looked with astonishment on the prince, who was walking with quicker and quicker pace through the room.

All at once he stopped before Pan Andrei, and said, "Give me the word of a cavalier that you will answer truly my question."

"Gracious prince," said Kmita, "only those lie who are afraid, and I fear no man."

"Did the prince voevoda give orders to keep secret from me the negotiations with Lyubomirski?"

"Had I such a command, I should not have mentioned Lyubomirski."

"It might have slipped you. Give me your word." "I give it," said Kmita, frowning.

"You have taken a weight from my heart, for I thought that the voevoda was playing a double game with me."

"I do not understand, your highness."

"I would not marry, in France, Rohan, not counting half threescore other princesses whom they were giving me. Do you know why?"

"I do not."

"There is an agreement between me and the prince voevoda that his daughter and his fortune are growing up for me. As a faithful servant of the Radzivills, you may know everything."