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omitted to prepare myself?" Now, just as this discipline of self-preparation is necessary for every sermon a man preaches, so it must form the constant background of his total ministry. I am not suggesting a double standard of sanctification—one level of holiness for the Christian layman as he goes about his business and another for the ordained minister of the Word: for with God there is no respect of persons, and every Christian without distinction is committed to live for Christ with every atom of his being. But I am saying that if I presume to point out to others the heavenward way, while failing to bend all my spiritual energies to its pursuit, I shall receive from God the greater condemnation. The ambassador of Christ shares all men's involvement in sinful corruption, and it was the greatest ambassador who ever lived who confessed himself to be the chief of sinners. But the preacher is essentially a seer, bringing back to men first-hand reports of divine truth and authentic visions of that Jerusalem which is the mother of us all: and if he cannot induce the vision nor evoke it at will, he can at least keep clean the window through which his vision is likely to come. "Take heed unto yourselves, and to all the flock" was Paul's parting injunction at Miletus to the elders of the Church—to yourselves first, for only so can the hungry sheep be fed. You must believe intensely and with total conviction, if you are to persuade others to believe. Your own spirit must be subjected to the full force and challenge of Christ's ethic, must be energized, supernaturalized, if you are to bring God's help to bear