Page:Hero and Leander; a poem (IA heroleanderpoem00musa).pdf/29

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Fair Hero mark'd the closing eye of Day,
Forth springs the ready flame; Leander's soul
Greets the fond omen, Love's inspiring God
Sheds a congenial fire; aghast he hears
The roar of madden'd billows, every vein
Chills with pale horror, but at once arous'd
He thus his manly breast confirms: 'Oh! Love
'More cruel than the Main, whose kindred waves
'Ne'er can thy fires control, secret they glow
'Unquenchable; awake, my gen'rous heart,
'Nor dread the waste of waters, while I swim
'Borne by affection to the maid I love
'Be present, all-collected, danger's frown
'Nought heeding; well thou know'st, that Beauty's Queen
'Claims Ocean for her fire, Ocean she rules,
'And rules my bosom's flame.' No more he adds,
But from his comely limbs the vestment loos'd,
And folds it o'er his head; the surge receives
His welcome burden, while the faithful Torch
Points the sure track of bliss; himself presides
The vessel, pilot, and inspiring gale.

High from the blazing tow'r fair Hero wooes
The daring wanderer, from each rising breeze
