Page:Hero and Leander - Marlowe and Chapman (1821).pdf/79

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sir, We thinke not our selues discharged of the duty we owe to our friend, when we haue brought the breathles bodie to the earth: for albeit the eie there taketh his euer farewell of that beloved object, yet the impression of the man that hath been deare vnto vs, liuing an after life in our memorie, there putteth us in minde of farther obsequies due vnto the deceased. And namely of the performance of whatsoeuer we may iudge shall make to his liuing credit, and to the affecting of his determinations preuented by the stroke of death. By these meditations (as by an intellectual will) I suppose my selfe executor to the vnhappie deceased author of this Poem, vpon whom knowing that in his life time you bestowed many kind fauours, entertaining the partes of reckoning and worth which you found in him,