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Sometimes, too, when great heroes were dying Dana would appear to them in the form of a grey-necked crow.

The Dagda had a beautiful son called Angus Oge, or Angus the young. Wherever he went a multitude of white birds flew with him, and the sweet singing of these birds brought love into the hearts of all who heard them. Angus is supposed to have made his home at Newgrange, near the Boyne—the underground temple which was formerly called Brugh na Boinne. The old stories say that three trees grew there which were always heavy with fruit, and whoever rested at Brugh na Boinne and ate of this fruit would be deathless.

One of the most powerful of the gods is Manannan mac Lir, who is lord of the sea. In ancient times, when ships were in danger of being wrecked, the sailors would call on Manannan, and he would appear and guide them to a place of safety. Manannan's home was on a wonderful island far out in the western sea, but sailors, passing to and fro in their ships, were unaware that this island