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ing that I killed him myself. The spear-head from this shaft in my hand passed through his body, and buried itself in the earth beyond him. I was with you at the time," he said to Mongan. Then turning round to the people assembled in the hall, he said to them: "I was with Fionn."

"Be silent, Caeilté," said Mongan; "these secrets should not be spoken."

Caeilté then turned to Forgall, and said to him:

"Come with me; I will show you where Fothad is buried, and at the head of his tomb you will find a pillar, and on it is written in Ogham: 'Here is Fothad Airgtech. He was fighting against Fionn when Caeilté slew him.'

Every one in the dún followed Caeilté, who pointed out to them the place where the spear-head was sunk deep in the ground, and the burial-place of the king with its Ogham inscription. Then, when the truth of Mongan's word was proved, Caeilté left them and returned again to his invisible home.

Another time a king of Ireland was travelling through a dense forest, and the night was