Page:Herr Glessner Creel - Tricks of the Press (1911).djvu/24

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back of the newspapers would have forced them to remain silent upon the subject of Corey and his actress.

Now, some of you don't believe that. And I'm real pleased that you don't. That gives me a good chance to prove it to you.

Up in Battle Creek, Mich., lives C. W. Post, president of the Citizens' Industrial Association and of the Postum Cereal Food Company. At the very time Corey was TRYING to divorce his wife—at the identical moment the newspapers were crying so loudly against his ATTEMPTED wrong to a faithful wife, Post DID divorce his wife and marry his stenographer. And you didn't read a word about it in the newspapers! Of course, the labor and Socialist press carried the story, but bear in mind that I'm talking about big newspapers, the Capitalist press.

Now why do you suppose they were silent upon this matter? Because the Postum Cereal Food Company spends hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in advertising with the newspapers. And I say to you that because of this advertising the entire Capitalist press has muzzled itself upon a record as black as the middle pit of Hades.

I hold in my hand the Wichita (Kan.) "Eagle" for Tuesday, July 19. You'll notice here on the back page an advertisement covering more than a quarter page. It's entitled "Mob Coddling by Congressmen." This is one of Mr. Post's anti-labor union and anti-Socialist advertisements. This is hush-money paid to the newspapers. I don't know if the Kansas City papers publish these Post advertisements or not, but—

(Voice from audience—"Yes, they do. The "Times" printed that.")

All right, then. Now some of you write the publisher of the "Kansas City Times." Ask him why he has never allowed his paper to tell the truth about Post. Ask him how much hush-money he's getting. I suppose the col-