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My daddy is dead an' left me some an'
lass gin ye loe me tell me tue:
An aft times I maun gang to the barn,
and I canna win ilka any to woo.

I hae corn will soon be made meal,
lass gin ye loe me tell me now,
An’ I hae barley to mak some kail,
an' I canna come ilka day to woo.

I hae laid three herring in sa't,
lass gin ye loe me tell me now,
I hae brewn a forpet o' ma’t,
and I canna win ilka day to woo.

I hae a calf will soon be a cow,
lass gin ye loe me tell me now,
I hae a pig will soon be a sow,
and I canna come ony mair to woo.

I hae a house on yonder muir,
lass gin ye loe me tell me now;
Three sparrows may dance upo' the floor,
and I canna come ony mair to woo.