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burial. If "seven lusters" can be taken literally for thirty-five years, this poem was written in 1627.}}}}

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83. Delight in Disorder. Cp. Ben Jonson's "Still to be neat, still to be drest," in its turn imitated from one of the Basia of Johannes Bonefonius.

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85. Upon Love. Printed in Witts Recreations, 1654. The only variant is "To tell me" for "To signifie" in the third line.

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86. To Dean Bourn. "We found many persons in the village who could repeat some of his lines, and none who were not acquainted with his 'Farewell to Dean Bourn,' which they said he uttered as he crossed the brook upon being ejected by Cromwell from the vicarage, to which he had been presented by Charles the First. But they added, with an air of innocent triumph, 'he did see it again,' as was the fact after the restoration." Barron Field in Quarterly Review, August, 1810. Herrick was ejected in 1648.

A rocky generation! a people currish. Cp. Burton, II. iii. 2: a rude ... uncivil, wild, currish generation.

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91. That man loves not who is not zealous too. Augustine, Adv. Adimant. 13: Qui non zelat, non amat.

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92. The Bag of the Bee. Printed in Witts Recreations, 1654, and in Henry Bold's Wit a-sporting in a Pleasant Grove of new Fancies, 1657. Set to music by Henry Lawes.

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93. Luxurious love by wealth is nourished. Ovid, Remed. Amor. 746: Divitiis alitur luxuriosus amor.

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95. Homer himself. Indignor quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus. Horace, De Art. Poet. 359.