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Both Mr. Hazlitt and Dr. Grosart have slightly misrepresented the relation of Hesperides to the anthology known as Witts Recreations: Mr. Hazlitt by mistakes as to their respective contents; Dr. Grosart (after a much more careful collation) by taking down the date of the wrong edition. To put matters straight four editions have to be examined:—

I. "Witts Recreations. Selected from the finest Fancies of Moderne Muses. With a Thousand out Landish Proverbs. London. Printed for Humph. Blunden at ye Castle in Cornhill, 1640. 8vo."

This general title-page is engraved by W. Marshall. The Outlandish Proverbs were selected by George Herbert, and, like the first part, have a printed title-page of their own.

II. "Witts Recreations. Augmented with Ingenious Conceites for the wittie and Merrie Medicines for the Melancholic. London. Printed for Humph. Blunden: at ye Castle in Cornhill, 1641. 8vo."