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[ 19 ]

The Liquid or Wet Measures.

A Log is Half a Pint
A Hin is three Quarts
A Bath is nine Gallons and three Quarts
A Pot, or Sextary, is a Pint and a Half
A Firkin is four Gallons and a Half.

Of Legions mentioned in the Scriptures,

THinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve Legions of Angels. Twelve Legions is eighty thousand seven hundred and fifty.

Luke vii 30 Jesus said, What is thy Name? And he said, Legion, because many Devils were in him,

Romulus, who built Rome, his Legion consisted of three thousand Foot, and three hundred Horse,

After, in Julius Cæsar's Time, about one hundred and fifty Years before Christ, a Legion was five hundred Foot, and three hundred Horse

Hesysch says, a Legion was six thousand six hundred and sixty six.

After, in Augustus and Tiberius Cæsar's Time, Christ being born and suffer'd, a Legion was six thousand Foot, and seven hundred and thirty Horse.

Of Offices, and Conditions of Men.

PAtriarch is a Father of a Family, as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and his Sons, Judges, or temporary for a Time supreme Governors appointed overthe