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Paul and Peter; also Deacons, who were to Preach the Gospel, and take care of the Poor.

Number of Chapters in the Bible, &c.

IN the Old Testament or Bible, are seven hundred and seventy seven Chapters.

In the New Testament, two hundred and sixty Chapters.

In the Apocrypha, one hundred and seventy three Chapters.

In the Old Testament are twenty three thousand two hundred and three Verses.

Several Books mention'd in the Scriptures, supposed
to be lost.

THE Book of Enoch, the Book of Osaldo and Gad Seers.

Samuel wrote a Book of the Office and Instructions of a King,

Solomon wrote a Book of three thousand Parables and five thousand Songs, also of the Nature of Herbs, Trees and Plants, from the Cedar to the Hysop.

A Book of Chronicles of the Kings of Judah and Israel.

The third of the Corinthians.

The third Epistle of Peter.

The Worth of God by Troy Weight.

One Pound of Gold is worth forty Pound. One Ounce is worth three Pound six Shillings and Eight-pence.

One Grain is worth three Half-pence,