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Quarters of an Ounce, or common Shekel which is six thousand Drams, and worth one hundred and eighty-seven Pounds ten Shillings

The King's Talent weighed three thousand of the King's Shekels, which is nine thousand Drams and worth two hundred and eighty one Pounds and five Shillings

The Talent of the Temple weighed three thousand Shekels of the Temple, which is one thousand, five hundred Ounces and comes to three hundred and seventy five Pounds.

A Silvering, or piece of Silver often mentioned is worth two Shillingss and Six-pence.

The common Shekel of Gold is two Drams and worth fifteen Shillings.

The King's Shekel of Gold is three Drams, and worth one Pound two Shillings and Six pence

The Shekel of Gold of the Temple is four Drams or Half an Ounce, and worth one Pound ten Shillings.

The common Talent of Gold is worth two thousand two hundred and fifty Pounds.

The King's Talent of Gold is worth three thousand three hundred and seventy-five Pounds.

The Talent of Gold of the Sanctuary is worth four thousand five hundred Pounds,

The Jews had another Weight called Mina being not of so much Use as the other; the common Mina of Silver which is six Drams, or thirty seven Shillings and Six pence

The King's Mina being eighty Drams, is fifty Shillings.

The Mina of the Temple is one hundred Drams, that is, three Pounds, two Shillings and Six pence.

There is likewise a Gerah, which is one Penny Halfpenny.