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He up the lang loan to my black cousin Bess,
Guess ye how, the jade! I could bear her, could bear her,
Guess ye how, the jade! I could bear her.

But a' the neist ouk as I fretted wi' care,
I gaed to the tryste o' Dalgarnock,
And wha but my braw fickle wooer was there,
I glowr'd as if I'd seen a warlock, a warlock,
I glowr'd as if I'd seen a warlock.

But owre my left shouther I gae him a blink,
Lest neebors might say I was saucy;
My wooer he caper'd as he'd been in drink,
And vow'd I was his dear lassie, dear lassie,
And vow'd I was his dear lassie.

I speer'd for my cousin fu’ couthy and sweet,
Gin she had recover’d her hearin’,
And how my auld shoon fitted her shauchl’t feet,
But preserve us! how he fell a swearin', a swearin',
Preserve us! how he fell a swearin.

He begged for gudesake I wad be his wife,
Or else I wad kill him wi' sorrow;
So just to preserve the puir body in life,
I think I will wed him to-morrow, to-morrow.
I think I will wed him to morrow.