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C. Recommendations

(1) Design standards for the “connected system of highways interstate in character” provide for the efficient and effective frequent movement of vehicles within the general specifications and limitations in design for general-purpose vehicles.

(2) Design standards for the “connected system of highways interstate in character” provide for the infrequent and controlled movement of vehicles within the general specifications and limitations in design for combat vehicles.

(3) Necessary steps be taken in keeping with improvements and the capability of the highway system to establish during peacetime uniform highway traffic regulations governing the use of interstate highways and particularly the “connected system of highways interstate in character.”


A. Definition

(1) Highway maintenance is defined as the maintaining or keeping of a highway in its original condition commensurate with its life expectancy and open for the normal and safe movement of traffic.

B. Discussion

(1) All highway construction not essential to the effective prosecution of a war should be discontinued during any such period of emerency. Every effort should be made to keep to a minimum the need or new highway facilities by coordinated planning for and selection of new sites, where little or no new highway construction is required.

(2) This policy will reflect itself in the need for wise planning for the adequate maintenance of heavily traveled roads serving industry, military installations, agricultural areas, and the strategic highways to or through critical areas. Failure to provide essential maintenance will result in essential new construction or reconstruction with its interference to traffic and greater demands for critical materials and manpower.

(3) To keep to a minimum the need for expenditure of critical materials and manpower during a national emergency the principal streets and highways in urban areas, the National System of Interstate Highways, and other identified strategic routes should be maintained at a high level during peacetime.

(4) Investigations should be made as to maintenance items that would be in short supply due to their source or transportation requirements with the view to learning the advisability of stock piling a limited quantity of certain items. Particular consideration should be given to the stock piling of bridge material.

C. Recommendations

(1) That the Commissioner of Public Roads take whatever action may be necessary to assure the continued high level of peacetime maintenance of the principal urban and rural Federal-aid highways.

(2) That the Commissioner of Public Roads initiate the necessary action to determine the advisability and extent to which critical maintenance items can and should be stock piled during peacetime.

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