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maneuvers of the Army, and for the reimbursement of the out-of-pocket costs of States and local governments for repairs necessitated by the occasional use of roads for the same purposes.

Strategic network.—To provide for the replacement of substandard bridges and the correction of other critical deficiencies of the strategic network at a desirable rate, a supplementary appropriation of not less than $100,000,000 is required. This appropriation should be prorated to the States on the existing Federal-aid basis, and used solely for designated defense projects. It should be available to pay all legitimate costs of the projects on a somewhat higher basis of Federal participation than the existing 50-50 basis, but otherwise should be expended under the provisions of the Federal highway legislation.

Strategic network advanced planning.—For the making of engineering surveys and plans for development of the strategic network, including the extensions of the system into and through municipalities and metropolitan areas, an appropriation of $12,000,000 is required, to be prorated to the States and matched by them on the existing Federal-aid basis.

Supplementary legislation needed.—To facilitate the accomplishment of all necessary improvements, the Federal Highway Act should be amended to (1) authorize addition to the Federal-aid system of any roads conforming to the main lines of the strategic network, as designated by the War and Navy Departments; (2) make roads and bridges on auxiliary lines of the network eligible for improvement with Federal-aid secondary road funds; and (3) permit the use of Federal-aid funds in payment of part of the cost of acquiring necessary rights-of-way and attendant property damage.