Page:Hill - Salads, Sandwiches, and Chafing-Dish Dainties.djvu/115

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Give us the luxuries of life, and -we will dispense with its necessaries.—Motley.

Three several salads have I sacrificed, bedew'd with precious oil and vinegar.—Beaumont and Fletcher.

Sweetbread-and-Cucumber Salad.

Arrange the leaves of a head of cabbage lettuce loosely upon a serving-dish, without destroying its shape. Have ready a pair of sweetbreads cooked in salted, acidulated water twenty minutes, and cooled and cut in small cubes and marinated; also the same quantity of cucumber cut in dice, chilled in ice water and dried upon a cloth. Drain the French dressing from the sweetbread and scatter the bits of sweetbread and cucumber through the lettuce. Press three-fourths a cup of firm jelly mayonnaise through a pastry bag with small tube, in little stars, here and there, throughout the lettuce, and serve at once.

Sweetbread-and-Cucumber Salad, No. 2.

Cook, marinate and drain the sweetbreads as before; mix with an equal quantity of cucumber cut in dice, and then with cream dressing. Line