Page:Hill - Salads, Sandwiches, and Chafing-Dish Dainties.djvu/192

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Method.—Beat the white and crushed shell of the egg and half the cup of cold water together; mix with the coffee, pour over the boiling water, stir thoroughly, and boil from three to five minutes with the nozzle tightly closed; pour half a cup of cold water down the spout; stir in one tablespoonful of coffee and let stand on the range, without boiling, ten minutes.

Five-o'clock Tea.



Candied ox-heart cherries.

Slices of lemon.

Boiling water.

Method.—Fill the tea-ball half full with tea, put the ball into the cup, with a cherry or a slice of lemon, and pour boiling water over them; remove the ball when the tea is of the desired strength.

Rich Chocolate.


4 ounces of chocolate.

4 tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar.

¼ a cup of hot water.

1 quart of scalded milk.

1 teaspoonful of vanilla extract.

Whites of 3 eggs.

1 pint of thick cream.

⅓ a cup of powdered sugar.

Method.—Grate the chocolate, add the granulated sugar and hot water, and cook until smooth and glossy; with a whisk beat in the hot milk very gradually, and return to a double boiler to keep hot. Beat the cream until solid. Beat the whites of the eggs until dry, then beat in the