Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/105

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15. The Mahasivaratri

IT is the name of a Hindu festival observed in honour of Siva, one of the gods of the Hindu Trinity, This falls generally in the month of Magha and the festival is called the Mahasivaratri as it is observed on _ the night preceding the new moon. Not only the night but the day also preceding the new moon in that month is devoted by the Smarta sect of the Hindus to Siva’s worship. On this day the orthodox Hindu rises early in the morning, bathes and attends most devoutly to his prayers. He attends a temple if there is one near. Fasting, as a general rule, is observed throughout the day and the night. Sitting up in wakefulness throughout the night entirely absorbed in worshipping Siva is considered most meritorious. There are special prayers for each of the four watches (Jamas—three hours’ duration) of the night, and the devotee who goes through these prayers on the night