Page:Hindu Feasts Fasts and Ceremonies.djvu/22

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in the morning. When the bathing is over the image is choicely decorated; and the Brahman priests of Chidambaram are considered to be adepts at showing off the image to.its best advantage. The decoration is done behind screens and when the screens are raised the whole hall rings with the hymns of praise chanted by the thousands of pilgrims and devotees who have assembled there to worship God. The choicest temple jewels in-southern India, made of the finest of precious stones, are to be seen only in two shrines—Srirangam and Chidambaram. Natesa on the Ardra festival day is most superbly decorated and at about evening time is taken round on a grand procession. ' the most impressive scene of the Ardra festival and the Anandatandavam—the dance in ecstatic joy—takes place on this occasion. The bearers of the image have a mode of marching slowly, so as to give the image the appearance of dancing. The most holy of holies—the Garbhagriha of the temple—is reached after a slow march of three or four hours; and this completes the Ardra feast.

There is a queer story in connection with this feast which obtains credence with the